14–16 May 2024
INAF - Catania Astrophysical Observatory
Europe/Rome timezone

PLATO data products, releases, and guest observer’s programme

14 May 2024, 12:20



Ana María Heras (ESA/ESTEC)


The PLATO mission will make available to the community a broad range of data products for the stars of the PLATO Input Catalogue. The product levels cover from raw data to clean light curves, including intermediate products, and catalogues with the planetary candidates, stellar asteroseismic parameters, and stellar properties. For a set of approximately 20,000 stars, the so-called Prime sample, the PLATO mission will also deliver data products from the ground-based follow-up observations needed for the confirmation and mass characterisation of exoplanet candidates. PLATO data products will be released to the community every three months. The first products associated with the stars of the Prime sample will be accessible 1.5 years after the time of observation. For the remaining more than 100,000 stars, the data products of each three-month observation period will be available six months later. Furthermore, PLATO will address a variety of complementary science topics through a Guest Observer’s Programme. In this framework, ESA will invite the community to apply for observing time through Announcements of Opportunity. The first AO is planned to open nine months prior to launch.

Primary author

Ana María Heras (ESA/ESTEC)

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