May 14 – 16, 2024
INAF - Catania Astrophysical Observatory
Europe/Rome timezone

The HD110067 sextuplet - detection of a unique resonant planetary system which could unlock planet formation

May 16, 2024, 10:30 AM


Contributed Exoplanets Evolution


Hugh Osborn (Bern)


Planetary formations naturally forms resonant chains of planets, but few such systems persist for more than 1Gyr due to evolutionary events such as destabilisation, planet-planet scattering, mass loss, etc. Therefore systems in resonant chains, especially pristine first-order chains of three-body Laplace resonances, are key windows for the charactersation of unmodified exoplanets. A system of six sub-Neptunes orbiting HD110067 was recently detected using TESS & CHEOPS photometry, and further characterised with HARPS-N & Carmenes RVs. This is the brightest system with more than 3 transiting planets yet found, and the most characterisable resonant system amenable to JWST atmospheric characterisation. Here I present the discovery of the HD110067 system, our ongoing characterisation efforts, and the potential for the system to provide tight constraints on planetary C/O ratio and bulk water composition as a function of orbital period from future JWST observations.

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