Dec 12 – 13, 2023
INAF Osservatorio di Roma Monte Mario
Europe/Rome timezone

Scientific Programme

12 Dicembre
14:00 M.Tavani Presentazione workshop
14:10 Interventi Istituzionali
Cons. Alessandra Tognonato - MAECI
14:30 F. M. Zerbi INAF nei grandi progetti internazionali
14:40 M. Branchesi ET nell’era multi-messenger
14:55 F. Patat ESO Facilities for multi-messenger
15:10 G. Ghirlanda ET related activities in INAF (+ OSB DIV4)
15:25 S. Piranomonte INAF activities in the OSB ET DIV7
15:40 S. Esposito INAF nel PNRR ETIC
15:55 A. Grado INAF for the ET infrastructure
16:10 M.T. Crosta GW sources: strength, direction, and astrophysical characterisation via differential relativistic astrometry
16:25 Coffee break
16:45 A. Fontana Optical infrastructures for multi-messenger
17:00 F. Govoni Radio infrastructures for multi-messenger. The contribution of SRT
17:15 L. Amati The great synergy of THESEUS with the Einstein Telescope
17:30 A. Stamerra The electromagnetic followup of GW events at TeV energies with the CTA-Observatory
17:45 E. Pian ET - PNRR CTA+ multi-messenger
18:00 P. D’Avanzo Towards the Einstein Telescope: the GRAWITA experience
18:15 S. Casu INAF for ET – Public engagement
20:30 Dinner

13 Dicembre
9:00 R. Ragazzoni ET vs MezzoCielo: un monitoraggio continuo delle possibili controparti ottiche
9:20 S. Campana HUGO & SOXS-N: two new ideas for the follow-up of ET-triggers
9:35 P. Schipani WST: the Wide-field Spectroscopic Telescope
9:50 G. Antinozzi Forecast cosmological constraints from the distribution of Gravitational Waves events
10:05 M. Arca Sedda Unveiling the formation of intermediate-mass black holes in dense star clusters with ET
10:15 M. Cantiello Precision Distance Measurements for GW Source Counterparts in the ET era
10:25 A. Colombo Electromagnetic counterparts of BNS and BHNS mergers in the ET era
10:35 Coffee break
11:00 G. Gianfagna Potential biases and prospects for the Hubble constant estimation via electromagnetic and gravitational-wave joint analyses
11:10 C. Ugolini STARLIGHT: Shedding Light on the Formation and Fate of Stellar Remnants in view of Einstein Telescope
11:20 F. Mannucci The progenitors of the BH seeds merging at high redshift
11:30 D. Perrodin Pulsar Timing Arrays and E
11:40 A. Frigeri Geological Mapping and Geophysical Modeling for Gravitational Wave Detection
11:50 F. Finelli Synergy between CMB B-mode polarisation and the direct search of gravitational-wave backgrounds
12:00 M. Punturo ET roadmap