15–19 May 2023
IFPU, Trieste, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Searching for PopIII star complexes: an observational prospective

16 May 2023, 12:00
Room D (floor -1) (Former SISSA building)

Room D (floor -1)

Former SISSA building


Eros Vanzella (INAF - OAS Bologna)


An efficient search for elusive PopIII sources/ stellar complexes at high redshift is a trade-off between different aspects related to (1) the available instrumentation (technical) and (2) the physical conditions which maximize their occurrence (physics). The necessity of reaching quite faint luminosity while keeping an elevated spatial contrast (both spectroscopy and photometry) seems the minimum condition, though the volume probed can't be very large. Contaminants must also be recognized. The necessity of using strong gravitational lensing is likely the best way to approach some of the aforementioned conditions. I'll briefly discuss these aspects and show a case recently observed with JWST.

Presentation materials