Innovations and inventions from the Nobel family in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

7 Sept 2023, 10:55
Aula Rosino (DFA - Astronomia)

Aula Rosino

DFA - Astronomia

Ingresso da INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico, vicolo dell'Osservatorio, 5 - 35122 Padova


Mrs FRANCHINI, Laura (Associazione Amici di Città della Scienza Napoli)


In the following, some important inventions and innovations are described, as created from 1840 until the 1917 revolution by Immanuel and his sons Robert, Ludwig, and Alfred, the last representatives of the Nobel family.
Alfred's invention of dynamite was born from Immanuel's research into underwater mines and new explosives.
Robert was fascinated by the city of Baku in Azerbaijan while on a business trip to purchase walnut wood for rifle stocks. Realizing the big business that would stem from the emerging industry of oil extraction, he decided to buy some parcels of oil-rich land and a small refinery. Thus the Russian oil industry was born and with it the development of all technologies related to the extraction, conservation, and transportation of the black gold, such as the construction of tank wagons, oil tankers, pipelines, and railway lines.
Ludwig, the leader of the Nobel industries, was an innovator for the modernity of the products and for the special relationship between the management and the workers; he thus managed, for some time, to make the Russian economy independent of foreign imports. Alfred's legacy is still used today to reward the research and those who work to achieve peace in the world.

Primary author

Mrs FRANCHINI, Laura (Associazione Amici di Città della Scienza Napoli)

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