National meeting STRADE-YODA

Auditorium Nazionale INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte

Auditorium Nazionale INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte

Via Moiariello 16, 80131, Napoli, Italy


The meeting is organized within the framework of the JEDI collaboration, and will bring together researchers working on young stars and protoplanetary disks, with the aim of discussing current and new projects, and synergies within the spectroscopic and photometric surveys in which the INAF-funded STRADE (Spectroscopically TRAcing the Disk dispersal Evolution) and YODA (YSOs Outflows Disks and Accretion: towards a global framework for the evolution of planet forming systems) projects are based.  The meeting  is restricted  to the STRADE and YODA members,  however students and/or postdocs involved on the discussed topics are also encouraged to attend. Topics scheduled for the meeting include:


  • Evolution of protoplanetary disks, from the early formation to the disk dispersal
  • Accretion and disk-star interaction
  • Ejection of matter through jets and winds
  • Effects of the environment (metallicity, stellar density, & dynamical interactions)
  • Eruptive phenomena in young stellar objects
  • Formation of proto-planets


The meeting will be in presence and is structured in review talks (25min + 5min for questions) discussing the state of the art  and potential developments of each topic over the next two years. The review talks will be followed by a series of related contributions by INAF postdocs (15min + 5min for questions), senior collaborators (15min+5min for questions) and involved postdocs (10min + 2min for questions). The first two days will be dedicated to the scientific part of the meeting, while the third day shall be dedicated to the perspectives and future actions of the Italian JEDI community.


  • Alessio Caratti o Garatti
  • Anna Miotello
  • Antonio Frasca
  • Antonio Garufi
  • Barbara Ercolano
  • Brunella Nisini
  • Carlo F Manara
  • Claudio Zanni
  • Davide Fedele
  • Eleonora Fiorellino
  • Elisabetta Rigliaco
  • Elvira COVINO
  • Fabrizio Massi
  • Fatemeh Zahra Majidi
  • Francesca Bacciotti
  • Giovanni Rosotti
  • Giuseppe Germano Sacco
  • Giuseppe Lodato
  • Juan Manuel Alcala'
  • Justyn Campbell-White
  • Karina Mauco
  • Katia Biazzo
  • Leonardo Testi
  • Linda Podio
  • Luca Cacciapuoti
  • Manuele Gangi
  • Mari-Liis Aru
  • Maria Gabriela Navarro
  • Mario Giuseppe Guarcello
  • Mathieu Van der Swaelmen
  • Michael Weber
  • Rik Claes
  • Rosaria (Sara) Bonito
  • Rossella Anania
  • Simone Antoniucci
  • Stefano Facchini
  • Teresa Giannini
    • 11:15 11:45
      Introduction: the STRADE and YODA projects 30m
      Speaker: Juan Manuel Alcala' & Brunella Nisini
    • 11:45 16:20
      Disks: Chair: Antonio Frasca
      • 11:45
        Review on disk properties (25min+5min) 30m
        Speaker: Anna Miotello
      • 12:15
        Review disk dust evolution and proto-planets (25min+5min) 30m
        Speaker: Davide Fedele
      • 12:45
        A decade of NIR imaging: toward the demography of 227 disks (15min+5min) 20m
        Speaker: Antonio Garufi
      • 13:05
        Lunch break (1h 25min) 1h 25m
      • 14:30
        Review disk evolution (Accretion/Wind) (25min+5min) 30m
        Speaker: Giovanni Rosotti
      • 15:00
        Discussion (60min) 1h
        Speaker: Giuseppe Lodato & Stefano Facchini
      • 16:00
        Coffee break (20min) 20m
    • 16:20 18:00
      Accretion: Chair: Alessio Caratti o Gariatti
      • 16:20
        Review Accretion in distant clusters and effects of environment (25min+5min) 30m
        Speaker: Katia Biazzo
      • 16:50
        Contributed Talks 1h 10m
        • A new look to young galactic stellar population with MOONS and 4MOST (15min + 5min) 20m
          Speaker: Germano Sacco
        • EWOCS: The Extended Westerlund One Chandra (and JWST) Survey (15min+5min) 20m
          Speaker: Mario Guarcello
        • External photoevaporation in the σ Orionis cluster (10min+2min) 12m
          Speaker: Karina Mauco
        • External Photo-evaporation in Protoplanetary Discs (10min+2min) 12m
          Speaker: Rossella Anania
    • 19:30 22:00
      Social Dinner at the Villa Capodimonte hotel 2h 30m
    • 09:30 14:30
      Accretion: Chair: Teresa Giannini
      • 09:30
        TBD (15min+5min) 20m
        Speaker: Mathieu van der Swaelmen
      • 09:50
        Accretion on Class I protostars (15min+5min) 20m
        Speaker: Eleonora Fiorellino
      • 10:10
        Contributed Talks 35m
        • New accretors in the Lupus I cloud (10min+2min) 12m
          Speaker: Fatemeh Majidi
        • From YSOs light curves to 3D models with Rubin LSST for a more inclusive Science (15min+5min: Online) 20m
          Speaker: Sara Bonito
      • 10:45
        Coffee Break (30 min) 30m
      • 11:15
        Contributed Talks 35m
        • Constraining disk evolution by measuring the mass accretion rates of Classiscal t-tauri stars.(10min+2min) 12m
          Speaker: Rik Claes
        • Magnetospheric accretion in classical TTauri stars: variability as a marker of stellar magnetic braking (15min+5min) 20m
          Speaker: Claudio Zanni
      • 11:50
        Discussion (60min) 1h
        Speaker: Juan Manuel Alcala' & Carlo Manara
      • 13:00
        Lunch break (1.5hour) 1h 30m
    • 14:30 18:15
      Winds and Jets: Chair: Elisabetta Rigliaco
      • 14:30
        Review on disk winds (25min+5min) 30m
        Speaker: Barbara Ercolano
      • 15:00
        Review on Jets (25min+5min) 30m
        Speaker: Simone Antoniucci & Linda Podio
      • 15:30
        Disk winds properties in Young Stellar Objects: the importance of a multi-wavelength approach (15min+5min) 20m
        Speaker: Manuele Gangi
      • 15:50
        Coffee Break (30 min) 30m
      • 16:20
        Contributed talks 40m
        • How disc wind diagnostic lines could help infer the presence of embedded giant planets (15min+5min)) 20m
          Speaker: Michael Weber
        • An unprecedented view of the ONC proplyds with MUSE NFM (10min+2min) 12m
          Speaker: Mari-Liis Aru
      • 17:00
        Discussion (60min) 1h
        Speaker: Brunella Nisini & Francesca Bacciotti
    • 09:00 13:00
      Future prospects and actions at INAF: Chair: Fabrizio Massi
      Convener: All participants
      • 09:00
        Sintesi delle discussioni (30min) 30m
        Speaker: Juan/Brunella .
      • 09:30
        Sinergie Bologna, INAF, Milano, ESO (30min) 30m
        Speaker: Leonardo Testi
      • 10:00
        Coinvolgimento di JEDI in nuova strumentazione (30min) 30m
      • 10:30
        Coffee Break (30min) 30m
      • 11:00
        Grants (60min) 1h
      • 12:00
        Organizazione collaborazione JEDI (60min) 1h