22–24 Jun 2022
Area Ricerca Bologna
Europe/Rome timezone

The Monitoring Logging and Alarm System of the ASTRI Mini-Array gamma-ray air-Cherenkov experiment at the Observatorio del Teide.

23 Jun 2022, 16:51


The ASTRI Mini-Array is a project for the Cherenkov astronomy in the TeV energy range. ASTRI Mini-Array consists of nine Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes located at the Teide Observatory. Large volumes of monitoring and logging data result from the operation of a large-scale astrophysical observatory. We present the logging, monitoring, and alarm system for the ASTRI Mini-Array aimed at supporting the analysis of scientific data and improving the operational activities of the telescope facility. A particular relevance has been given to satisfying the reliability, availability, scalability, and maintainability requirements of all the array sub-systems and auxiliary devices.


Federico Incardona (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))

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