22–24 Jun 2022
Area Ricerca Bologna
Europe/Rome timezone
23 Jun 2022, 16:51


The DISCOS (Development of Italian Single-dish COntrol Software) project has been engaged for years in the design and development of software for the operation of INAF radio telescopes(Medicina, Noto and SRT). Our software is produced with the aim of being common to the three antennas, thus optimizing resources and ensuring reliability, maturity and durability over time. The DISCOS architecture is based on a distributed, component/container paradigm, aimed at implementing the high-level and complex logics in the common codebase and delegating the device and hardware control to the peripheral, station-related components. Development and maintenance is a continuous process which is carried over trying to follow the state-of-the-art software methodologies (TDD, Continuous Integration on simulated environments and automatic provisioning). The common infrastructure created by DISCOS allows, also, to optimize the resources used for maintenance, operations and development and also improves the accessibility of the facilities as it guarantees common user interfaces, tools, procedures, data formats, documentation and training.


Andrea Orlati (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))

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