6–9 Oct 2015
UTC timezone

ERC_FIRST HPC-class Projects @ INAF-OAR

9 Oct 2015, 09:50


Hotel CostaVerde


Luca Graziani


This talk will introduce three HPC-level projects developed in the ERC-funded group FIRST (@INAF-OAR): dustyGadget, HPCCRASH, and GAMESH. Our projects span from the implementation of accurate dust production, spreading and evolution in the SPH algorithm of Gadget3, to a traditional Monte Carlo radiative transfer (RT) method implemented in the code CRASH. Finally I will describe our novel pipeline GAMESH, which combines both CRASH and the semi-analytical chemical evolution code GAMETE. GAMESH is currently used to study the effects of the radiative feedback in the formation and evolution of the Local Group. I will focus both in presenting our tools and their computational requirements, also highlighting the many advantages that could derive from partnerships of INAF with HPC-oriented organisations as PRACE or the OpenPower fundation

Presentation materials