26–28 Mar 2015
Europe/Rome timezone
The theme 'indico-weeks-view' does not exist.
This meeting is for members of the SKA TM Consortium and invited experts. Participants need to register to ensure we can cater for the amount of participants. There is telecom capability to let participate all those who can't attend physically. The goal of the meeting is to define common criteria and process for TM UI design, propose a TM GUI architecture (technology, framework, approach, method) and get consensus from all stakeholders. All the teams involved in TM will have an opportunity to contribute to definition of the scope, criteria and process for selection and to propose solutions. During the meeting we will discuss TM UI requirements, with a goal to evaluate the options to identify the best common UI framework for SKA TM (if possible), and compile the list of options to be evaluated.
OATs Castello Basevi - Sala seminari
Via G. Tiepolo, 11

A proposal for the objectives from the TM Consortium are:

the possibility of defining a TM Common UI Platform, that can be used by multiple UI developers to create their own UIs.

  • TM has a need for multiple UIs: Engineer and Operator UIs, Proposal Submission, Scheduling, SB Preparation, Forensic Tool etc.  Each UI may have multiple versions:  online, smart device, local application etc.
  • One could imagine the UI for each of these being built independently, with no commonality. That is the problem that the Platform is intended to avoid.
  • The Platform is focused on enabling commonality among UIs, while still allowing the experts in each domain the flexibility to produce the type of user experience appropriate to their problem.
  • This commonality could be along multiple dimensions e.g.
    • Common look-and-feel guidelines
    • Common libraries and visual elements that can be reused by all UI developers.
    • Common underlying capabilities such as single-sign-on,  user workspaces, ability to view multiple UIs together or move information between them, ability to access from offsite locations, ability to support multiple access platforms (e.g. smartphones) and so on.
    • Common lifecycle support e.g. release processes, UI testing support, development environment etc.
    • Common architectural principles
    • Common technologies
  • Our first problem is to scope the platform - decide what it should provide and what should be left to individual domain UI developers.