Looking for needles in a sandbox: chasing blazars with the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time

Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino

Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino

Via Osservatorio, 20, 10025 Pino Torinese (TO)

The Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (Vera C. Rubin) will scan the entire Southern sky in a few nights with optical and near-infrared filters, to search for variable and transient phenomena. Vera C. Rubin will provide a 10 years, multiband monitoring of quasars and of about 2000 already known blazars. It will allow us to discover many other faint new AGN, both at low and high redshift. It is therefore of fundamental importance to prepare the Italian community that it is interested to contribute at the Vera C. Rubin project to the exploitation of this mine of data.

Full access to the proprietary data from the Vera C. Rubin survey will be granted to the American and Chilean community. The Italian community, with the INAF endorsement, is proposing an agreement to define in-kind contributions to Vera C. Rubin in exchange for a certain number of named Principal Investigators (PIs) with data rights. In this spirit, we would like to bring together people from the Italian community interested to work with Vera C. Rubin observation of AGN (Blazars in particular) for a three days brain-storming at the Torino Observatory. In detail, we will discuss during the workshop:

1) Do we really need full data right access to carry out our scientific project?
2) What are the best data analysis techniques to reach our goals?
3) What can we offer to the US scientific community as in-kind to obtain full Vera C. Rubin data rights?


  • alberto moretti
  • Alessandro Caccianiga
  • Alessandro Capetti
  • Alessandro Paggi
  • Antonio Stamerra
  • Barbara Balmaverde
  • Claudia M. Raiteri
  • Filippo D'Ammando
  • Francesco Massaro
  • Lucio Angelo Antonelli
  • Maria Isabel Carnerero Martin
  • Massimo Villata
  • Maurizio Paolillo
  • Silvia Belladitta
    • Introduzione su LSST e data policy
      • 1
        Benvenuto & Presentazione
        Speaker: Dr Claudia M. Raiteri
      • 2
        Introduzione ad LSST
        Speaker: Dr Barbara Balmaverde
    • Presentazione di progetti scientifici
      • 3
        High redshift blazars with LSST

        The discovery of high-z blazars ensures the census, free from obscuration effects, of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) hosted by radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in the early Universe, and provides strong and critical constraints on the accretion mode, mass and spin of the seed of SMBHs.
        Blazars are rare sources: only $8$ blazars have been discovered to date at $z>5$, with the most distant being at $z=6.1$ (Belladitta et al. 2020, A&A letter submitted).
        Selecting high-z blazar candidates requires a multi-wavelength approach and the use of large area surveys that cover almost the total of the entire sky at a reasonable depth. In this talk I will show how the combination of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope data with current (e.g. SUMSS, NVSS, TGSS) and future (e.g. EMU) radio all-sky surveys, will significantly increase the number of high-z blazars ($\sim100$ at $z>5$, with $15-20$ expected at $z>6$) pushing the limit up to $z\sim8$. This will allow the most accurate estimate of the space density of radio-loud AGNs population in the early Universe, also well within the re-ionization epoch.

        Speaker: Ms Silvia Belladitta (INAF OA-Brera / Università degli Studi dell'Insubri)
      • 4
        Speaker: Dr Angela Bongiorno
    • 3:50 PM
      Coffee Break
    • Presentazione di progetti scientifici
      • 5
        Blazars con LSST
        Speaker: Dr Claudia M. Raiteri
      • 6
        AGN detection and characterisation through optical variability: the lesson learned from VST surveys

        I will present the studies on variability detection of AGNs based on the VST surveys of the CDFS and COSMOS region, that are compatible in depth to the expectations from LSST. I will discuss the completeness and contamination of variability-selected samples in order to characterise the AGN population and understand the selection biases with respect to optical/infrared/X-ray selection methods.

        Speaker: Maurizio Paolillo (Università di Napoli Federico II)
    • Tecniche avanzate di data analysis (machine learning...)
      • 7
        Application of machine learning algorithms to astrophysical problems
        Speaker: Dr Andrea Tramacere
      • 8
        Deep learning per applicazioni in spazio
        Speaker: Dr Enrico Magli
      • 9
        Machine learning for smart and meaningful data analysis
        Speaker: Dr Alessandro Druetto
    • 11:15 AM
      Coffee Break
    • Tecniche avanzate di data analysis (machine learning...)
      • 10
        Speaker: Dr Lucio Angelo Antonelli
    • Multifrequenza & Sinergie
      • 11
        AGN con LSST & Gaia
        Speaker: Dr Maria Isabel Carnerero Martin
    • 12:55 PM
      Lunch time
    • Multifrequenza & Sinergie
      • 12
        MAGIC & CTA
        Speaker: Dr Antonio Stamerra
      • 13
        Speaker: Dr Lucio Angelo Antonelli
      • 14
        X & FERMI
        Speaker: Dr Filippo D'Ammando
      • 15
        ALMA Blazars
        Speaker: Dr Alessandro Paggi
      • 16
        Speaker: Dr Barbara Balmaverde
    • 4:20 PM
      Coffee Time
    • Proposte di in-kind
      • 17
        Speaker: Dr Federica Bianco
    • 5:30 PM
      Evento sociale (Cantine Balbiano)
    • 8:30 PM
      Cena Sociale (Antica trattoria con Calma)
    • Proposte di in-kind
      • 18
        In kind: Probing high-z AGN and galaxies with LSST
        Speaker: Dr Angela Bongiorno
      • 19
        In kind: Exploiting the VST legacy for LSST variability studies
        Speaker: Dr Maurizio Paolillo
      • 20
        In kind: Blazar studies with LSST
        Speaker: Dr Filippo D'Ammando
    • 11:00 AM
      Coffee Break
    • Discussione generale
    • 1:00 PM
      Lunch time