The recent discovery of Gravitational Waves (GWs) from merging black holes and inspiraling neutron stars, an event seen as GWs, short gamma-ray burst and subsequent kilonova by space and ground-based observatories, have marked the beginning of multimessenger astronomy.
LIGO and Virgo collaborations have organized prompt low-latency analyses for transient (limited time duration) signals,...
Currently, the difficulty of multi-messenger search of gravitational waves (GWs) in optical is the large localization of GWs, which would result in a huge amount of candidates. Meanwhile, the crucial point for such optical counterpart (r-process kilonova) search is the cadence, since the magnitude of kilonova would decrease very fast. Therefore, some tools that can assist in automatic...
Given the level of funding being invested by the EU under the Horizon 2020 programme, the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is becoming an important asset for research in our continent. Among EU-funded projects, the EOSCpilot project defining EOSC policies and implementing pilot infrastructure and applications has just been completed; EOSChub is underway implementing the initial EOSC...
The LTP & C of astronomical data is not only the preservation of raw data archives, but has the purpose of preserving and enhancing the knowledge applied to reducing them by creating a bridge between the scientific articles and reduced data. Part of this data, especially if tables, are already preserved through services like CDS, but the reduced data do not yet find their place and...