17–19 Jun 2019
UTC timezone

Data exchange and computation between data centers using common A&A

19 Jun 2019, 14:45


viale del Parco Mellini - Rome


Franco Tinarelli (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))


The new Authentication and Authorization system in INAF called RAP is capable to handle multiple accounts for web application usage and it was a joint venture between Radio Astronomical Institute (IRA) and Italian Astronomical Archives (IA2) in the scope of SKA Pre-construction phase and in use at IA2. Both working groups shared skills and experiences in the field of Authentication and Authorization to allow users and client applications to access remote resources, data and services. An advancement and prototyping pilot is under development and it is composed by RAP, an Authorization module (Grouper) and a service to allow account linking authorizations sharing using Virtual Observatory recommendations, in order to recover and analyse data from their own experiments. The aim was to implement a multi protocol authentication mechanism SAML2.0, OAuth2, X.509 and Self Registration, to permit the account linking (join of digital identities) and to manage groups of users. This talk will describe the current harmonization activities between existing systems and the recommendations of the IVOA. This activity will be applied also in the AENEAS- ESRC scope to validate requirements and provide an effective test bed.

Primary author

Franco Tinarelli (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))

Presentation materials