The Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) is participating in LSST (Large Synoptic Survey Telescope). The key idea is collecting, handling and sharing to the Italian community the time series data and images provided/collected by LSST. Italian astronomical community is involved in different projects from the stellar to the extragalatic to the cosmological topics. This means a unique opportunity to fully exploit, but also to further improve, the current experience in the field of efficient e-infrastructures, data archiving, modeling, processing, mining and fusion, across different wavelengths, temporal and spatial scales. The new very recent LSST policy provides a partnership model focussed on in-kind contributions (hardware and/or software) instead of monetary contributions. On this basis and to give a competing world-wide opportunity to the national astrophysical community, it will be important to develop the infrastructure (hardware, software) required to deal with the massive amount of data produced by LSST in the near future.