17–19 Jun 2019
UTC timezone

The European Open Science Cloud: an opportunity for the Italian astro community

19 Jun 2019, 09:55


viale del Parco Mellini - Rome


Fabio Pasian (INAF - OATs)


Given the level of funding being invested by the EU under the Horizon 2020 programme, the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is becoming an important asset for research in our continent. Among EU-funded projects, the EOSCpilot project defining EOSC policies and implementing pilot infrastructure and applications has just been completed; EOSChub is underway implementing the initial EOSC operational infrastructure; ESCAPE has been recently kicked-off with the goal of tailoring EOSC for the needs of the astro and particle physics communities. This status provides quite an opportunity for the astro community to exploit EOSC for building and optimising an integrated environment capable of managing, interoperating, processing, analysing data, involving in this process all main archives and the VO.

Primary author

Fabio Pasian (INAF - OATs)

Presentation materials