
The System Thinking in INAF: A personal view of the status of system thinking application in INAF

by Luca Stringhetti (INAF-MI)

Sala Ovale (Villa Bazzoni)

Sala Ovale

Villa Bazzoni

Via Bazzoni 2, Trieste
ABSTRACT: This talk will present a personal view of how the way to do projects in astrophysics (and not only in this field) has changed in modern times and how a better applications of a system thinking can help our daily work effectively. We believe that in INAF we do a lot of system thinking, even if sometimes we do not know, so the problem is not doing more, but doing better. Lean principles, so well used in many different applications since the '60, have found in recent years some effective examples in innovation applications. In this talk we will give a short presentation on the motivation to start a cooperation with Università Bocconi di Milano on an application of Lean principles in INAF. We will also present the results of the survey conducted in november 2012 in "Macroarea 5", survey conducted in collaboration with Bocconi, and we discuss with you about conclusions and possibly ways.