26–28 Feb 2025
Palazzo Corsini
Europe/Rome timezone



Slot 1: Feb 26th - 27th LUNCH

1A Sebastiano Ledda Formation of second-generation exoplanets around double white dwarfs
1B Francesco Maio Discovery of a Protoplanet Candidate in the Disk of HD 135344B
2A Elenia Pacetti From Stars to Planets: How Planet-Formation Environments Shape Planetary Compositions
2B Alessandro Ruzza DBNets2.0: simulation-based inference of dusty protoplanetary discs and embedded planets
3A Laura Affer The HADES RV program with HARPS-N at TNG
3B Adriana Barbieri Exoplanet search with astrometric technique: applications to nearby exoplanet systems
4A Andrea Bonfanti TOI-396. The mysteries of a unique three-planet system
4B Clarissa Calamai Exoplanets follow-up programs at Osservatorio Polifunzionale del Chianti
5A Giovanni Covone Hot Neptunes – A Gateway to Understanding Planetary Evolution
5B Claudia Di Maio Spot modelling of V1298Tau using the SpotCCF tool
6A Valerio Fardella The Ariel Mass Survey
6B Simone Filomeno A nearby young exoplanet system hosting a warm transiting super-Earth
7A Stefano Fiscale From human vetting to Deep Learning: strengths and limitations of visual and automated approaches in exoplanets identification
7B Ilaria Giovannini Looking for Binary Companions with Doppler Measurements of Directly Imaged Exoplanets
8A Valentina Granata The TASTE project: an Italian ground-based campaign for the long-term monitoring and characterization of transiting exoplanets
8B Pietro Leonardi V1298 Tau: Insights into the Orbital Architecture of a Young Planetary System
9A Francesca Manni Identifying new hot Neptune-sized exoplanets ideal for high-resolution atmospheric spectroscopy follow-up
9B Giulia Piccinini Confirming the exoplanetary nature of HD 6718 b using Hipparcos-Gaia Astrometry
10A Alessandro Matteo Rossi True spin-orbit obliquities distribution: evidence of planetary alignment
10B Alessandro Ruggieri Occurrence rates of small close-in planets in the presence of a Jupiter-like companion
11A Laura Salmeri The Euclid Galactic Bulge Survey: past and future of microlensing planets in one shot
11B Vito Squicciarini The COBREX archival survey: improved constraints on the occurrence rate of wide-orbit substellar companions
12A Ma Del Carmen Ayala Loera Leveraging Machine Learning for M Dwarf Population Characterization
12B Martina Baratella The GAPS-Young Object group: the new approach to chemically characterize young, active stars
13A Stefano Ciabattini Dwarf spheroidal galaxies as primordial life nurseries
13B Mario Damasso Time variable radio emission detected from the infant planetary system V1298 Tau
14A Sergio.Fonte Oxygen Abundance and Partitioning in Giant Planet Atmospheres: Insights from Discs with Diverse Chemical and Ionization Histories
14B Gabriele Galletta Exploring Short-Term Stellar Activity in dM Stars: A Volume-Limited Perspective
15A Ignazio Pillitteri X-rays from the nearby multiple planets host M dwarf L98-59. An activity cycle at work?
15B Raffaele Reda

Solar wind-solar UV relationship as a benchmark for evaluating stellar winds in Sun-like stars


Slot 2: Feb 27th LUNCH - 28th

1A Mario Basilicata Detection of water and preliminary characterisation of the atmospheres of the two hot Jupiters KELT-8 b and KELT-23 Ab with GIANO-B
1B Lorenzo Biasiotti Potential climate and habitability of Gl 514 b
2A Erica Bisesi Interaction between vegetation and snowball phases in the late proterozoic Earth
2B Riccardo Claudi M star-planet interaction: Clues on habitability
3A Tomas De Azevedo Silva Probing the spectral signatures of chemical disequilibrium in hot-Jupiters atmospheres
3B Daniele Locci The role of silicate clouds in shaping the transmission spectra of strongly irradiated gaseous giant atmospheres
4A Michele Maris Atmospheric refraction in transiting earth like exoplanets atmospheres
4B Massimiliano Giordano Orsini A data-driven approach for extracting exoplanetary atmospheric features
5A Leonardo Pagliaro Accelerating atmospheric retrievals with Transformer Neural Networks
5B Monica Rainer Probing the geological setting of exoplanets using atmospheric studies: using Mars as a test case
6A Paolo Simonetti The impact of vertical mixing on the oxygen deficit in the presence of condensation
6B Riccardo Spinelli The quest of life-as-we-know-it outside the Solar system: the time-evolution of the ultraviolet habitable zone
7A Francesca Vitali Experimental study of the H2- H2 and H2-He Collision-Induced Absorption in support of the planetary and exoplanetary atmospheric investigation
7B Lisa Altinier CAPyBARA: a Roman Coronagraph simulator for post-processing methods development
8A Andrea Bocchieri Detrending the jitter disturbance in simulated Ariel data
8B Michele Frangiamore Innovative Technologies for Exoplanetary Atmospheres: Volume Phase Holographic Gratings and the Future of Spectroscopic Characterization
9A Nicolas Gorius PLATO Camera Development Status
9B Marco Montalto Methodologies for Transiting Planet Detection
10A Fernando Pedichini Rome Observatory Spectro Imager for Exoplanet (ROSIE): how to insert a tiny Integral Field Unit spectrograph inside an AO fed high contrast imager to better reveal H-alpha signatures from accreting bodies.
10B Danai Polychroni The PNRR OPAL Key Science Project: An Library of Simulated Exoplanetary Atmospheres
11A Vito Saggese Roman's Role in Identifying Multiple Planetary Systems
11B Davide Savio ANDES the high resolution spectrograph for the ELT: The Fiber-Link and Integral Field Unit Subsystem Empowering Exoplanetary Science
12A Chiara Selmi The ANDES AO system and coronagraphic unit
12B Alessandro Sozzetti The Gaia Mission and DR4: Towards the first astrometric exoplanet catalog
13A Giacomo Cherchi Searching 4 Exoplanets. A game-based learning approach for exoplanetary science
13B Fabrizio Cogato Searching 4 Exoplanets. An experimental setup to engage students with exoplanetary science
14A Maria Cristina Fortuna Visualising the unknown: a recipe for illustrating science and the case of Kelt-9b
14B LOC ExoItaly The ExoItaly2025 logo contest



E1 Francesca Bacciotti The nested shells of the HL Tau outflow and their relationship with the ringed disk
E3 Simone Filomeno SHARK-VIS: searching for accreting protoplanets via Halpha observations
E4 Francesco Maio APP Coronagraphy with VLT/ERIS: A Complete Pipeline for High-Contrast Disk Imaging
E5 Elisabetta Rigliaco High-angular resolution studies of young stars in their environment: the case of the Corona Australis star forming complex
E7 Diego Turrini Birth and destruction in protoplanetary disks: dust production by planetesimal collisions
E8 Domenico Barbato Counting the worlds: towards a multi-technique reassessment of exoplanetary demographics
E9 Andrea Bocchieri Toward a comprehensive stellar obliquity sample in the era of PLATO and Ariel
E11 Giuseppe Conzo TOI-6883 b: a Warm Jupiter world
E12 Amedeo Giorgio Gaudio Exploring hot Jupiters: the case of WASP-12b around a Sun-like star
E13 Cecilia Lazzoni Debris disks through the eyes of JWST
E14 Luca Malavolta PyORBIT: the ultimate tool for exoplanet characterization
E15 Dino Mesa The SHINE survey with SPHERE@VLT: main results
E16 Danai Polychroni MGroMiT: An exoplanet population synthesis code
E17 Alessandro Ruggieri Unveiling the mystery of DS Tuc Ab with a combination of different techniques
E18 Vito Squicciarini The BEAST survey: a direct-imaging quest for the frontiers of planet formation
E19 Katia Biazzo How to know the planet knowing the star
E20 Riccardo Claudi LOCNES: a solar telescope to study star activity in the near infrared
E21 Fabio Del Sordo On magnetism of Cold Jupiters
E22 Camilla Pezzotti New study of the Rx vs Ro relationship under the lens of asteroseismology
E23 Ilaria Carleo WASP-69b's atmosphere: what is going on with its sodium?
E24 Michele Maris The Trieste ExoClimate Toolkit (ExCiT) a new Python+Numba framework for exoclimate Energy-Balance models
E25 Klaudia Mrazikova Formation of sulfur dioxide in exoplanets’ atmospheres investigated by quantum chemistry
E26 Monica Rainer Optimized reduction of near-infrared GIANO-B spectra for exoplanetary atmospheric characterization
E27 Daniela Sicilia A homogeneous search for Na I and its possible variability in ten gas giant exoplanets
E28 Juan Alcalà The SoXS-GTO Exoplanets projects
E29 Silvano Desidera The PLATO Ground-Based Observation Programme (GOP)
E30 Claudia Toci JEDI-EX, planetary systems with ELT MORFEO-MICADO
E31 Giusi Micela The Italian contribution to the Ariel Dry-Run
E32 Enzo Pascale The Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey sensitivity and performance
E33 Paolo Matteo Simonetti Assessing the habitability of the Earths and Super-Earths in the ARIEL space mission target list
E34 Hristo Stoev The Contribution of TNG to the Italian Exoplanetary Landscape: Insights from HARPS-N and GIANO-B Observations
E35 Lorenzo Pino A mid-infrared LBT spectrograph for exoplanetary atmospheres
E36 Mattia Claudio D'Arpa The Exo-School
E37 Silvano Tosi NOCTIS: Network Osservativo Coordinato di Telescopi per l'Insegnamento e la Scienza
E38 Gloria Guilluy The GAPS Juniors group