WP4 - 12/05/24
Monday 13 May 2024, 11:00
Periodic meetign of WP4
report of the Elba Spoke 3 General meeting:
WP status with deliverables and milestones;
Introduction to Data Models;
The archive portal presentation and discussion on requirements;
Examples of Fermi and Gaia archives
Round table on DMs:
The Data Management Plan;
The DMs in practices;
The requirements needed for the portal (and additional services);
Discussion over Pluto (Simulation data models)
Argumentation on SimDM
activities status report:
task 4.1 - modellization
task 4.2 - available machines;
task 4.3 - next implementations and deployments;
plan for documentation sharing and DM definition:
sharing of SimDM, SimDAL and ObsCore:
Produce a summary of mandatory metadata for IVOA compliance
Ask the spoke management to organize a call with ksp leader to consolidate the dmps and dms : timescale begin of July.
updates via emails.
The agenda of this meeting is empty