GAPS-2 YO program (Chair: I. Carleo): Characterisation of the multi-planet systems TOI-2076 and V1298 Tau
- Mario Damasso (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
GAPS-2 YO program (Chair: I. Carleo): TOI-1430: a young super-Earth with an evaporating atmosphere
- Domenico Nardiello
GAPS-2 YO program (Chair: I. Carleo): Summary of the YO program
- Serena Benatti
- Silvano Desidera
GAPS-2 YO program (Chair: I. Carleo): SpotCCF: correcting the contamination of the stellar activity from high resolution spectra in the framework of the STILES project
- Claudia Di Maio
GAPS-2 YO program (Chair: I. Carleo): Analysis of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect and atmospheric characterization of TOI-5398
- Giacomo Mantovan
- Gloria Guilluy
- Mattia D'Arpa