1–2 Mar 2023
Europe/Rome timezone

Loic Chantry: Two-component injection profile and FR0/FRI classification

1 Mar 2023, 15:10


The relationship between spine-jet and outer layer could play a role in the classification of
FR0/FR1 radio galaxies. Using the asymptotic part of meridional self-solutions in Kerr metric
models to describe the spine-jet, as well as an extension describing the outer layer, we are
able to compute two-component injection profiles. In this injection model, the velocity ratio
between the axial velocity of the spine and the outer layer is also the square of the ratio
between jet’s vorticity radius and the radius of the jet’s electric current. For a given spine-jet,
the profile of the outer layer depends on this velocity ratio and the ratio between the mass
flux of the jet and the square of its magnetic flux. Profile evolution with these parameter
indicate solutions more suited to FR0 profile for highest value of the mass flux to the square
of magnetic ratio. On the contrary, lower values of this ratio produce injection profiles more
suited to FR1.

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