23–27 Jan 2023
Europe/Rome timezone

The Polarisation Sky Survey of the Universe's Magnetism (POSSUM)

25 Jan 2023, 11:40


Piazzetta P. P. Pasolini, 5/b, 40122 Bologna BO The allowed maximum number of in presence participants is 50 (more remote connections will be allowed)


Bryan Gaensler (University of Toronto)


The Polarisation Sky Survey of the Universe’s Magnetism (POSSUM; https://possum-survey.org/) commenced in November 2022, and is using ASKAP’s unique survey capabilities to transform our understanding of astrophysical magnetic fields. POSSUM’s core goal is to produce a “rotation measure (RM) grid” of 30–50 polarised background sources per deg^2 over 20,000 deg^2 over 0.8-1.1 GHz. One of the main science goals of POSSUM is to use Faraday rotation to measure and constrain the magnetic fields in filaments, voids and the IGM. I will present an overview of the POSSUM survey, will show initial results, and will discuss the prospects for studying IGM magnetism with POSSUM.

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