5–8 Jul 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Galaxy formation and evolution: Synergy between MAVIS and JWST

Not scheduled


Michele Trenti (University of Melbourne)


The synergy between space and ground-based observations, as well as theoretical and numerical modeling, transformed our view of galaxy formation during the past decade, and progress is expected to accelerate with next generation facilities. I will review the current status of the field, highlighting in particular progress thanks to Hubble WFC3 observations, and discuss opportunities and prospects to make the next leap forward to characterize the connection between dark-matter halo assembly, star formation and chemical enrichment between cosmic noon and cosmic dawn by combining the high spatial and spectral resolution of MAVIS to study rest-frame UV emission from early stellar populations with JWST observations that will unveil for the first time their rest-frame optical and infrared light with unparalleled sensitivity and angular resolution.

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