6–9 Oct 2015
UTC timezone

OpenPOWER and Cognitive Computing

8 Oct 2015, 15:30


Hotel CostaVerde


Andrea Bulgarelli


This talk covers OpenPOWER foundation activities and discusses some thought about the coming Cognitive Computing systems. OpenPOWER is an open development foundation for the development of Power Architecture solutions. OpenPOWER uses an “open source” and “open hardware” model (i) to create an open ecosystem using POWER architecture, (ii) to share expertise participating to work groups within the OpenPOWER foundation, and (iii) to access to technical information for POWER systems. INAF has an academic membership since 2015. We will show the activities performed for astrophysical projects with IBM and in the context of the OpenPOWER foundation. The Cognitive Computing systems learn from large structured and unstructured data set to build Question&Answering systems, generation a range of hypotheses and interacting with humans. We introduce some ideas about the possibility to use Cognitive Computing for astrophysics.

Presentation materials