Developments and standards for Space applications
Presentation materials
The Department of Astrophysics at Uni Vienna are a provider of flight software for scientific instrumentation. A description of specific challenges in the development of such SW is given and we show how some of these are mastered with the help of the CORDET framework. We explain what it covers and how to get started.
The EUCLID mission will capture a 3D image of the distribution of dark and baryonic matter from which the acceleration of the Universe will be measured to the percent level accuracy. Combining weak gravitational-lensing patterns from intrinsic alignments of galaxies and galaxy clustering probes, it will reveal signatures of the physical processes responsible for the expansion and the...
A brief description of the workflow followed during EUCLID NISP-ICU ASW development phases.Hardware platforms, SW development tools and future prospectives will be presented.
ECSS, aka “European Cooperation for Space Standardization”, is a consolidated (over 25 years of existence) set of standards devoted to all aspects of Space Projects from Management to Product Assurance and Engineering and even Sustainability (e.g. space debris and planetary protection). Batteries, finite element models, cables, risk management, adhesive stuff... all is there and anyone...