Overview of Instrument and Telescope Software development activities in INAF.
EFISOFT is a french national structure with some similarities with the TETIS initiative. The structure does include seven french laboratories, all are involved in one or several ELT instrument (HARMONI, MICADO, MAORY, MOSAIC and HIRES). More than a network, EFISOFT is supported by the cnrs/insu (inaf equivalent), thanks to convention ratified between universities. Its main goals is to...
In INAF-OAPd there is a long time experience in the development of control software for (mostly) ground-based Optical and Near Infra-Red astronomical instrumentation and telescopes. In this talk, I will give a brief overview of the past activities of the INAF-OAPd Control SW Group and will then introduce our current projects, all while trying to highlight aspects relevant to this Workshop.
We provide an overview of the software and control activities of the group, active in the last three decades in the field of telescopes and astronomical instrumentation control, in past and current projects. These works include deeply related tasks of control software, control electronics and control engineering as well as data handling activities, performance monitoring and control algorithms...
The Arcetri AO group, since its inception an undefined number of decades ago, has been developing software for high-resolution systems under a variety of frameworks and design methods. The main topics can be characterized as instrument control software, offline data analysis, laboratory software, and AO simulations. I will present an overview of past and current projects, of how our design...