27–29 Oct 2020
Europe/Rome timezone

EFISOFT : Sharing knowledges and resources on french ELT software development

27 Oct 2020, 10:50


Sylvain Guieu ( IPAG - Grenoble)


EFISOFT is a french national structure with some similarities with the TETIS initiative. The structure does include seven french laboratories, all are involved in one or several ELT instrument (HARMONI, MICADO, MAORY, MOSAIC and HIRES). More than a network, EFISOFT is supported by the cnrs/insu (inaf equivalent), thanks to convention ratified between universities. Its main goals is to structure the software development effort, to deploy shared software solution and sustain humain resources among laboratories. Training and cross-training as well as maintaining an efficient interface with ESO is also a preoccupation of EFISOFT.
I will present the structure, labs and people involved and how EFISOFT is being organised to tacle the workload on ELT instrument software realisation.
I will also spend some time to share the difficulties and successes of the newly born structure.

Primary author

Sylvain Guieu ( IPAG - Grenoble)

Presentation materials